About Us

"Individual commitment to a group effort – that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.” - Vince Lombardi

The Elk River Elks Quarterback Club (“Quarterback Club”) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established to promote Elk River Elks High School Football, both financially and as fans. Help protect our tradition of football excellence through community support. The Elk River area is a hotbed for quality football.

We give special thanks to those who have volunteered their time, energy and money to the Quarterback Club throughout the years. All of you have made a significant difference!! With the continued success of the Elk River Elks High School football teams (9th grade, 10th grade, Junior Varsity (JV) and Varsity), we anticipate that more and more Elk River High School students will want to be a part of Elks football to enrich their high school experience.

Maintaining the Elk River Elks High School football program, providing the desired quality experience for our student-athletes as well remaining successful on the field, requires financial support. Unlike the Elk River Youth Football Association program, participation fees paid by Elk River High School football players do not go directly to fund Elk River High School football operational costs. Nor do gate receipts at football games played at Elk River High School. The minimum amounts budgeted to the Elk River High School football program by ISD 728 are insufficient to create the desired positive experience for our athletes or remain competitive in the North Central Blue District in Section 6 in Class 5A -- one of Minnesota’s strongest.

That is where the Quarterback Club and its supporters come in. The Quarterback Club officers, directors, at large, assistants, volunteers, and supporters contribute their time, energy, ideas and money to directly support Elk River Elks High School football. Every dollar raised by the Quarterback Club helps Elk River High School expand upon its heritage of football excellence by directly supporting the operational needs of Elk River Elks High School football. Through our fundraisers, golf tournament, business sponsorships, Senior parent, family & alumni memberships, and other fundraising activities, the Quarterback Club generates incremental funds beyond the budgeted ISD 728 minimums.

Over the past decade, funds raised by the Quarterback Club have been used to hire assistant coaches to increase our player-to-coach ratios, provide player uniforms and player equipment, purchase video equipment and computer software, among many other team related operational needs. In an era of shrinking state funding for education and cost cutting by local school districts, it is more important than ever to make a commitment to the Quarterback Club so that we can help provide an enriched, high quality football experience for our student-athletes and bring Elk River Elks High School football more District & Section Titles that take our program to more State Tournament appearances & more Prep Bowl Championships!

Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you this season!

Elk River Elks Quarterback Club


The Elk River Quarterback Club was founded in the fall of 1958 and has supported the programs in many ways through the years. The club's predecessor was the Commercial Club made up of Elk River business people who supported the local athletics. In many cases the club would provide transportation for the players to their rural homes and farms allowing them to play football. This
tradition of support continues today.

The Elk River Quarterback Club is a non-profit 501c3 booster club made up of dedicated individuals who get involved with fundraising and many other activities whose sole purpose is to support the high school football teams at Elk River High School as well as football as a whole in Elk River.

The money from the fundraising efforts are used to pay for the following ERHS Football Activities:

  • Funding Assistant Coaches at all levels (9 coaches in 2022)
  • College Scholarships Awarded Each Year for graduating seniors
  • Football Uniforms for all levels
  • Football Equipment for all levels
  • Improvement and non included additions to the stadium and outdoor athletic facilities
  • Weight Room Equipment and supplies
  • Video Equipment and online film and scouting programs
  • End of year celebrations for all levels
  • Upgraded transportation for long distance away games
  • Plus much more……

All families are encouraged to join the booster club. Get involved and help make the experience for your child be a positive and lasting one. Parent volunteers are needed throughout the year.



Elk River QB Club

PO Box 240

Elk River, MN 55330